(image for) Garnets and 3 Grams Chunky Gold to Include a 1 Gram Gold Nugget
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Garnets and 3 Grams Chunky Gold to Include a 1 Gram Gold Nugget

  • Model: Garnets


A great bag of paydirt with three pound of gold bearing dirt to include a guaranteed one pound of red garnets with a guaranteed 3 grams of gold. (Please note these garnets have been tumbled by the couple who I buy them from in Alaska and they are good sized chips and rounded stones and look like pomegranate berries - beautiful against the contrasting yellow gold. As part of the three grams of gold, there will be a one gram gold nugget. The guaranteed gold is all from Alaska but not necessarily from the Nome beaches and is +10 and 8 mesh and makes an easy panning experience with large and chunky gold nuggets and pickers. This is a great bag for those who are new to panning or just want some bigger gold nuggets and pickers in their collection. Please note, the sand from the beaches do have gold in it and is very small so I suggest panning it all as best you can and classifying it down so you don't miss any of the naturally occurring gold in the sand. So expect a minimum of three grams of chunky gold and a small amount of fine gold in every bag.

- International Customers -
In order to keep your shipping costs low and your ROI high, we will be shipping less dirt in your bags to keep the shipping weight less than eight ounces. The bags will still have the guaranteed gold, just not as much dirt to pan through.


Gold Nugget Sales
P.O. Box 2251
Longview, WA 98632

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